Saturday, May 26, 2012

Micro DC Powerpacks


Micro powerpacks are predominantly used in material handling equipment such as stackers and scissor lifts with low pump displacement requirement. They can also be used on the field with mobile equipment where there is an engine, pump or motor which has failed. A combined package of the pump, motor, tank and hydraulic valves means they reduce the need for piping and welding as well as cut down drastically on procurement costs. With standard voltages of D12 and D24 and a range of pump outputs, this highly versatile system finds applications in almost all types of equipment.


Pump Displacement
0.6-9.0 cc/rev (2.1 cc/rev standard)
Motor Rating
1600 W / 2330 rpm
4.9 lpm
Max Pressure
210 bar (set at 180 bar)
Duty time
4-6 minutes continuous
Tank Capacity
4-40 lpm (10 lpm standard)
13.2 Kg
Manifold Material
Less than 0.3 millilitres/min

For more information:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

CETOP7/CETOP8 P.O. Check Valve

Pilot operated check valves serve to shut-off an oil flow in one direction and allow free flow in the opposite direction. They can also be opened in the direction of closure. These valves are mostly used :
- to relieve a working circuit under pressure
- to prevent a load from falling in the case of a line rapture
- to prevent creep movements of  hydraulically stressed users.
These valves are generally fitted as an intermediate element between the control valve and the subplate. 


Maximum Flow
300 lpm
450 lpm
Rated Flow 
200 lpm
300 lpm
Max. Pressure
350 bar
6.8 Kgs
11.7 Kgs
0.3 mililitres/min

For more information:

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Proportional Directional Control Valve with Integrated Spool Position Control

Wandfluh AG, Switzerland, now manufactures direct controlled proportional directional control valve with integrated amplifier electronics and spool position control in flanged construction NG6. The valve is designed for operating pressures of 350 bar and for a maximum volume flow of 40 l/min. Four different volume flow levels are available.

The valve possesses an integrated position control. With the spool position sensor (LVDT), the actual position of the valve spool is continuously recorded and brought into line with the set-point value transmitted in an analogue manner. With this, the hysteresis can be minimised and the dynamic characteristics massively improved in comparison with conventional proportional directional valves.

Thanks to the integrated amplifier electronics, the compact construction and the good protection against environmental influences, the valve is highly suitable both for applications in industry as well as in mobile hydraulics.

The parameterisation takes place through a RS 232-interface by means of a menu-controlled  parameterisation - and diagnostics software. The data are stored in a non-volatile memory. Settings once elaborated can be reproduced and transferred without any problem, also following an electric power failure.